Predecessor Builds > Argus > Mana Munching Machine Gun BEAM (mid/off/sup)
After careful thought and a lot of games, turns out WinduTheMace has already made the best build IMO...
Go get the blue buff, your jungler doesn't even want it. its fine...
Keep the mana flowing and you will be able to damage with the machine gun balls like crazy.
1st item is Alchemical Rod, get creep kills to level this to 400, don't fully buy the level 3 item till later like 4th item buy, before the crown.
2nd item is Orb of Growth, buy asap and start killing creeps to level it to the Orb of Enlightenment.
3rd item is Caustica, trying to mitigate magic armor on enemies since they will probably start stacking it against you.
4th item is Megacosm, big damage over time and off HP%.
5th item is Oblivian Crown.
For situational swaps, might look at swapping some of the last 2 items, dropping overall DPS but buffing other areas if needed.