Predecessor Builds > Rampage > The Rampage Build Of All Time

the only rampage build youll ever need.
bonesaw and frostguard are core items, the rest are all situational
i like iceskorn talons but you can go any of the titan crest crests if you dont like em
solo miniorb when you have bonesaw crest and wild hunt (should be around lvl 8, 12 min mark)
ward blue, back, get sentry, start red, lvl 2 pounce down to the 2 camp then either gank mid, go to 5 camp (you can pounce over the cracked wall from the river side), gank offlane or get enemy blue to let the enemy jungler know you have 0 respect towards them
on dawn side i sometimes go to enemy blue immediately after getting my red, get the blue and gank offlane before the enemy jungler figures out what ive done
throw random rocks from behind fog walls to let the enemy know you are something they should be scared about
if a gank is not worth it, fake ganks by just standing there menacingly (they will be afraid)
jumpscare the midlaner when hes getting river buff by jumping over the cracked wall
pick up rock
throw rock