Predecessor Builds > Argus > ☠️ - ARGUS OPPRESSION BUILD - ☠️
You'll want to play rather safe until level 3 unless you're feeling confident at level 2. Upon reaching level 3 your full rotation should be mostly be saved for the opposing mid-laner.
Q - Stun
0.5s delay (we dont want to waste any CC time by stacking both CC effects at the same time, to prolong our cc we pause for a brief moment)
E - put the center of the crystal right on the enemy right before the stun ends
Right click - Right after the crystal you want to hold right click and walk towards them to be sure your hitting them. NOTE: this ability has homing but the projectiles are slow and can be avoided, if you have an opponent running try to lead them slightly.
If you keep this rotation and engage every other wave you should have ample time to get the river bugs. These are important, but not for the buffs they provide, its for the burst of Mana regen they give you. This helps you sustain in lane for longer.
IMPORTANT - Its important here to try and not thin your waves too much as you would prefer your opponent to have to play close to your tower. The key is only to auto the wave and try and ONLY use your abilities for the enemy laner. If you can achieve this you will have an easy lane against just about any opponent.
The closer you get to the end of laning phase the faster you want to start clearing with abilities included.
This should be your first purchase as we need to hit things while we have this to charge it. When we hit things it gives us more mox mana permanently (5 per stack) up to 400 stacks.
While you are charging up your Alchemical Rod, you then want to focus building Megacosm.MEGACOSM -
This will give you added damage plus some slight damage over time that will help with finishing low health enemies. Next we will want to finish building azure core from your FULLY CHARGED Alchemical Rod.Azure Core -
Fully charged this provides us with the necessary extra mana needed to help sustain our Right Click (Particle Shredder) as this is our main damage source we want to have as much up time as possible with this ability.Wraith Leggings -
This item will grant us added mobility for rotations mid-game as well as some Magic Pen and extra damage.Caustica -
This gives us a huge advantage in the form of ignoring 40% of Magical Armor with some added damage, and a little Mana regen.Oblivion Crown -
The last item for Percent health damage and a ton of extra Magical Power (the more total magical power with this item the better it scales)