Predecessor Builds > Howitzer > Howie owns the mid lane

Harass as much as you can with Primary Missile you out range most other mid lanners. Getting the landmines to knock opponents towards you, away, or to the side takes time & practice. You do have enough time to aim while they are airborne to Missile and get a couple auto attacks in, if you see them around 25% and you're level 6 your Ult will kill them most of the time if you land 90%+ of the rockets, range is pretty far.
Late game you become a walking platform of death, you melt towers, you chunk everything with Missiles and Secondary does a surprising amount of damage and the slow just lets you auto attack them down all that bonus damage from Prophecy procs is a lot.
Using Landmine as a counter to ganking is hope for the best, cuz once enemy is in melee with you your landmine direction to throw them back & you is a crapshoot. Unless you see it early & able to knock them back so you can hide under tower is your best bet.