Predecessor Builds > Dekker > Dekker? I hardly even know her!

I almost always go Consort. Mana regen is vital on Dekker, and the actives are better IMO. Being able to team heal every 40s is huge. Only time I pick cleanse is if the enemy comp has a lot of CC, e.g. Riktor + Rampage + Steel. I'd only pick silence if enemy comp has a Gideon + Countess or something like that.
First Item
Your first item will always be Marshall, unless your ADC is Revenant or someone who doesn't benefit from attack speed (like Howizter), in which case it will be Timewarp. Mana regen + CDR are great on this champ and the magic power is nice to have. Marshall's passive especially synergizes with our 2nd item.
Second Item
Most of the time this will be Skysplitter. Not for the feint of heart. Dekker's auto-attack is already pretty good, this makes it prettier and gooder. You can build this 3rd and build Dynamo 2nd if your ADC is following up on your stuns/slows. Build this 3rd and build Tainted Scepter if enemy team has a lot of healing.
Remaining Items
Rest of the build is pretty flexible. I usually go Dynamo/Timewarp 3rd/4th unless I didn't already build Sky-Splitter for reasons listed above. Last item is usually Raiment of Renewal, but if you don't need the health then Megacosm is nice.