Predecessor Builds > Dekker > Early pressure, ability spam, tanky!

Dekker relies heavily on ability spam. Getting Timewarp first item requires you to play smart, know when and how to poke the adc. You will get prio in duo lane if you play it right.
Hexbound next will get you even more mana and abilty haste and keep you allive vs physical damage.
Everything after is flex, so look at the enemy, who is strongest and counter pick. Crunch/Khaimera in jungle? Pick tainted. You get hooked by riktor too much? -Spellbreaker. You are doing very good as duo and your adc is auto heave? Go marshall.
Late game i prefer a tanky support over everything else. You need to stay allive at all costs for those stuns. From 30min onwards if you land a stun it should be a kill every time.
Leafsong is extremely valuable with a Kira Ult (she gets slowed by her Ult a lot) and will benefit the whole team. Running the enemy down, staying allive, getting out of orb/fang pit etc. etc.
Only pick Cleanse if you really need it (Fey, Riktor in enemy team).