Predecessor Builds > Revenant > Karechta's Revenant Build
Thats my Revenant build.
Vanquisher : Its really good early damage, with that extra pen and passive. 7´% HP Execute is good to secure kills, especially since Rev has best Value per Kill.
Imperator if you just need damage. If Enemies have a lot of Tanks with a lot of Phys Armor, go for Demolisher instead.
Demolisher or Imperator , whatever you did not build yet
Terminus Build this for Healing, you can also go for Tainted Rounds if you need antiheal.
Demon Edge Gives you Sustain when low hp, but good damge buff on high hp. Combined with a phase Support its really strong.
You can go for Breach instead, especially when enemies have a lot of physical Armor. Go for Breach if Enemies are building a lot of Physical Armor
You can go for Terminus earlier if you feel like you need the early heals.
Ortus gives you more Damage output, which can be good. Also Movementspeed can be used as escape, and his Power can be scaled with kills.
Witchstalker Cleanses you and grants a shield. Should be picked against Fey and Other teams with a lot of CC (Gideon aswell, as you can walk out of his ult after cleansing).
Good luck have fun!
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