Predecessor Builds > Kallari > Elusive Kallari

Build Updated at: 2023-01-21 12:28:32 UTC
Elusive Kallari
Author: Mindtroverted
Role: Jungle

This build is focused around making use of Kallari's speed and elusiveness.

Malady has to be your 1st item because you want to start stacking it as soon as possible.

Dread, besides giving you the power you want, allows for faster rotations with the additional movement speed and makes you a bit less squishy.

Tectonic Mallet is an item that gives you a little bit of everything - sustain, tankyness and damage. The additional movement speed it gives on being slowed is sometimes crucial for making an escape and the bonus power it gives for movement speed applies both to Kallari's additional movement speed in stealth and her short movement speed burst she gets from Death Mark.

Demon's Edge provides a good bonus to your raw power while giving a boost to sustain when you're low and it allows you to deal solid damage to tanks.

Painweaver rounds out the build by adding solid burst potential and more pen.

Demon's Edge and Painweaver can be freely replaced by other items depending on the match.

*Vanquisher is a bit better than Painweaver vs. teams with higher health
*Legacy can allow you to survive situations where you get stunlocked to death
*Draconum helps out vs. physical-heavy teams

I do not recommend grabbing Tainted Blade or any other anti-heal item. As an assassin, you deal most of your damage withint 2-3 seconds of engaging and healing is mostly relevant in prolonged engagements. This type of build is best utilized by constant roams and jungle invades, especially after your 2nd item. You will be able to rotate faster than any other character and even if you get collapsed on in the enemy jungle it will be a tall order for them to chase you down and kill you, especially after your 3rd item.

I recommend going Witchstalker crest if the enemy has Riktor, Steel or Fey. If they have none of those heroes, you can go Nex instead.

Final note: Unlike Crit Kallari, this build's damage is frontloaded, meaning you don't win long engagements. Start off your fight by marking someone with E, dump all your abilities and when the E procs, if the enemy isn't dead or close to dead, disengage. The additional movement speed from E proc will allow you to get away easily and you can try again in 10s instead of forcing a prolonged engagement and risking getting collapsed on by multiple people.

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed