Predecessor Builds > Skylar > Sin’s Skylar Carry

This Skylar build is a test DPS build which is heavily reliant on a good support, as it focuses on base attack speed and damage with little room for escape!!!
This build focuses on basic attack speed with Skylar, while providing her with additional mana, and huge amounts of penetration and critical chance.
The Onixian Quiver option is available to those who utilize Skylar’s flight and missles the most. If you fly, lob her bomb and land it, missiles will fly out and this item will add extra ones. It’s a bit of a risky play with the changes, but can feel fun at times.
Note: To make the most out of the Quiver item, save your Supercharge ability until after you’ve hit the ground to deal final killing damage and reset the ability cooldown in case of team fights/ganks. Fly, lob and orb, and basic attack to get the most out of the item.
Enjoy and feel free to recommend some motifications!