Predecessor Builds > Wraith > Wraith Midlane Burst Damage
Best Meta Build.
1) Crest: Generally Ortus,If they have a lot of CC take Wichstalker.
2) First back asap buy Soul Chalice, but dont finish Resolution! it will be your 3th item (or 4th if you need armor pen asap), usually when you get 400 stack on the Soul Chalice.
3) "Malady" its a must buy, you have no AoE damage spell, so you need wave clear for counterpush enemy mages.
4) "Vanquisher" it s another must buy, you start get a lot of kill with this, goos stats good passive
5) Usually "Demolisher" is better than "The Perforator", if they have a lot of tanks go Demolisher for sure.
6) The last 2 items are very situational, in this meta "Mutilator" (anti tank and sustain) and "Tainted Trident" (Anti healing) are good, but if enemy dont have a lot of tanks or healing stuff, there are some options, if you like more Atk Speed "Deathstalker" its very good item, if you like some damage over time effect "Infernum" scale well late game,"Nightfall" not tested a lot after the update, but on paper sound a good sustain item