Predecessor Builds > Skylar > Hypercharge Dat Ho

Played a few games with this build and its ridiculous. By level 15ish, or unless you get fed, you just RMB and bully the enemy.
A few things before getting into the build, Hypercharge is our main punisher and gets bonus on-hit damage and attack from bonus attack speed. It doesn't say in the ability description, but I am pretty confident the Hypercharge ticks can crit. That being said, the build revolves around building up Atk Spd items early and focusing on crit later, to maximize damage of our Hypercharge. You probably noticed the lack of pen, but in my opinion, unless you are having an issue with a specific character, Demolisher and Hypercharge's ability to deal damage equal to targets bonus physical armor warrants not really worrying about it. Plus, most tanks are so big that its not hard to just laser them to get that ability proc for the increased damage.
Alternatively, if you are having issues with hitting your Hypercharge on smaller heroes or are focusing on overall ability damage, you could switch out Tainted Rounds and Plasma Blade for Resolution and Vanquisher. If you do this, just make sure to get chalice first and then build into either full Reso or Sky Splitter. The Onixian Quiver was fun to play around with if you are good at hitting Hypercharge while in Air Assault. You get the extra projectiles from both Onixian and Air Assault and the burst damage is insane.
The skill order is flexible. I level Hypercharge as fast as I can and then only a few levels in Plasma Grenade before just maxing out both the Atomizer and Air Assault. This is because by level 10, I don't have issues clearing and the increased damage and decreased cooldown on Air Assault is worth prioritizing.
I have not written any other build guides, so this is very vague and open to feedback. Let me know what does and does not work for you. Thanks!