Predecessor Builds > Kallari > 🔥Let Her Cook🔥Kallari⚡
⚡Build shown is completed item order, for the actual build order check modules (down on phone, right on pc).
First 1350g = Cleaver (feed faster = more gank time and more hp cause camps die faster), then Malady (faster clear, awesome pvp burst)(Mindrazor nearly doesn't speed up ur clear, waste of gold). Then Perforator for dmg (flat pen and % pen), then Trident (tons of dmg due to Woundseeker, worth for that alone, comes with antiheal which is cherry on top), Mutilator (%hp dmg really good now that ur stats are fine), Infernum. Keep Cleaver till swap with Vanq, cause 25 power is decent for its gold cost, plus faster wave push/depush.
I dislike autoattacks items or aa cancel items on Kallari cause late game if u go melee u die, tons of cc, with this build u can dmg from afar, E > rmb > rmb > ult in > Nex.
Skill priority after level 3 (see chart): R(6-11-16) > 3Rmb > 2Q > 4Rmb > 3Q > 4E > 4Q > 5Rmb > 5E > 5Q⚡
Why this works and is gold efficient? A player who rushes Malady has a "clear spike" @ 2900g, a player who builds Cleaver spends 1350g for the first clear spike that let's him clear faster and stay healthier = gank better and more often, plus steals camps faster, and overall map presence. The dude who rushes Malady still has to farm 1550g(2900-1350) in order to do all of this. So the Malady guy is 1550g behind in effectiveness. When Malady is completed for the first guy, the second guy only needs 1350g (Cleaver cost) to complete it. This is already a gain since 1550g - 1350g is 200g in favor of Cleaver. One may say that Malady guy finishes another tier 3 earlier now, while this is correct, the Cleaver itself offers a huge powerspike comparable to a tier 3, cause u always have to keep in mind that an item worth has to be divided by its cost, and Cleaver passive and stats are super gold efficient. You are moving ur power spikes earlier in truth, and an assassin loves that.
Oh and we're not even factoring in the gains u have by feeding faster, camp stealing, ganking more and map presence resulting in snowballing while they were struggling for the first spike.