Predecessor Builds > Revenant > Mana Build

Main items are Resolution, Mindrazor, and Vanquisher and scales super well off of your maximum mana making you deal a ton of Physical damage. Also, allows you to cast more which is a nice bonus. I enjoy this build more than any traditional build, but you are missing a lot of lifesteal, attack speed, and move speed. This just helps you hit extremely hard while also allowing you to cast more without worrying about mana.
Played it before Revenant nerf and is extremely powerful. Also have used it on Murdock and Drongo, but I think Murdock and Revenant are the best for it. Sparrow is mainly focused on Attack Speed and this build is pretty much a full glass cannon. Not my build originally, I copied it from a guy I played against a few weeks ago on Murdock. You definitely are squishier, but the unless the other team can CC you incredibly hard you will kill them before they get too close in most circumstances.