Predecessor Builds > Argus > Pain in the argus
Make sure you know how to use obelisk before trying this build
If they don’t have healing buy entropy before tainted scepter
If you do happen to reach level 18 and have all items purchased don’t forget to buy a potion it will give you a nice boost and it is an extra item people forget about.
If you know you are about to push a lane hard or a big team fight is coming try to sneak a blue buff from one of the Junglers, this will basically make you have unlimited mana!
Have fun and don’t forget to hit those ULT snipes when they are low health and think they got away! I’ve gotten kills on enemies that have around two bars of health left take your time and hit the shots.
Use particle shredder when minions are grouped up and if you need to push the lane hard use your rock before particle shredding.
Don’t forget to use your abilities when you need to get away from enemies, block them with your rock or put it underneath you to launch you up, stun them if they are chasing hard (you walk the same speed as normal going backwards so run away facing them when you can!)
Good luck!