Predecessor Builds > Dekker > Dekker ADC Midlane

Build Updated at: 2023-08-30 14:07:30 UTC
Dekker ADC Midlane
Author: Pandemic87 (Gold III)
Role: Midlane

Fun off meta build. Only recommend for fun. If played correctly you can mess with some mid laners. Dekker is very good at locking down enemies for ganks and evading enemies with both her mobility and her cage/stun. This build turns her into an ADC where her autos do all the damage so it takes time to scale. The focus of this build is to build auto attack damage and attack speed. Adding in ashbringer to the build reduces cooldowns on your abilities so you can stun more often. Dekker does not scale well as a mage so her ADC build can work very well giving her a unique role in midlane because of her abilities, evasiveness, and strong auto attacks. Midlaners can easily roam across the map to team fights and objectives.

Works well against morigesh, countess, howitzer (large hit box), fey.
Weak against bellica since she can knock you up in auto attack range and gadget because she can poke from a distance and slow you down.

Look for longer trades with auto attacks after you get storm breaker online and after the enemy has used their abilities on the wave or you land a stun. Combo stun to ult to cage can lock down a mid laners long enough to kill with autos. Also pay attention to teammates looking to ganks because Dekker can easily lock down kills with her kit abilities.

This build also works in the offlane and plays similar to ranged ADC in offlane.

Crest: typhoon for the increased attack speed and mobility. Takes time to build so land your abilities. It even helps to hit jungle camps with abilities before you back to base if possible.

Storm Breaker: necessary for wave clear against mages who can span abilities on the minion waves. Also procs your auto attack damage and attack speed.

Sky splitter: for added auto damage and attack speed. Helps against ganks from tanky jungle or enemy support into the Midlane. Or ganks from a taky offlane.

Ashbringer: added benefit of attack speed, auto damage and reduced COOLDOWNS with auto attack so you can use stun more often.

-Prophecy: adds magical damage to autos rounding out the build a bit while buffing attack speed. And reduces COOLDOWNS based on your attack speed. Bonus magical damage applied to autos.

Marshal last because it increases your attack speed and buffs your teammates for the late game team fights. The passive had a larger buff to magical damage late game due to higher opponent levels and also buffs your prophecy. If the support on your team has already built Marshal (Lt. Bellica or Muriel) then you can build dust devil, lightning hawk, or kings bane instead.

situational items in place of marshall
-Magnify adds magical damage which buffs prophecy some and increases attack speed.
-kingsbane if you need to stay in the fight longer and heal from poke.
-Dust devil if you want more phys damage and increases your mobility. Good for split pushing
-Lightning hawk is great to slow single enemies while stacking attack speed and damage. Good for locking down single enemies or escaping single enemies.

Core items
Situational 5th items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed