Predecessor Builds > Rampage > Rampage the Unkillable ADC Smasher

The new Ramp is no longer terrified of Carries (unless there fed). Using this build you can dive the backline each fight and absorb a ton of dmg while the team tries to get you away from the carry. Meanwhile, your team can either help you pick the carry or just demolish the enemy team since there distracted. This build let's you 1v1 most hero's in the game as long as you land your rocks (landing rocks is crucial to winning with the fish) and build anti-heal when necessary. I wouldn't grab anti-heal early on unless your getting invaded by a Khaimera or Countess constantly or you always seem to not have enough dmg to duel them. Be sure to play around your teammates and use Rampages early game to give yourself a lead if you see a duo lane or a carry overextending early. You DO NOT have to jump in the lane every time you throw a rock, sometimes your team just needs a little extra dmg and cc to finish the enemy laner. A tactic I like is to just throw rocks in-between my jg camps into random lanes in the early game to try and give my allies a lead while I keep up with my jg to try and get ahead as soon as possible. You hit a power spike once you finish bonesaw and then overlord. Last tip, if yoiur playing ranked then make sure to try and ban Grux, he's Ramp's biggest counter in this new patch and is extremely difficult to deal with early to mid game. A fed fish is a fat fish, and a fat fish is hard to kill. Just play your card's right, throw rocks, and get angry and you'll do just fine. ;)