Predecessor Builds > Howitzer > drewskii's MAGIC BRUSIER Howie Offlane
Build spellbinder first to start stacking FREE stacks on opponent, and max Q first for the same reason.
Play cautious unless you have your E available and you're level 6. If they dive you E at your feet and R away (if you have to) to get back to tower. Just play cringe, hold wave, and stack spellbinder. If you enemy rotates follow them, and poke from afar the whole time.
We start megacosm and tainted to get that damage going during lane and shut down our opponent. We build Soulbearer, spell shield, worldbreaker and oathkeeper for extra durability late game. Remember to save your escape abilities (E, R, flash) if youre gonna go a lil hard in teamfights. You'll scale to a criminal level and your offlane opponent should be crazy weak if you played right in lane.
Ez offlane games.