Predecessor Builds > Kallari > Guerilla Fighting
Gave this build an overhaul after the changes to Envy which increased the cooldown to 60s. Updated here 10/7/2024. The goal here is high cooldown, big burst damage, and some good cut-and-run sustain. With this build I have engaged, gap closed, disengaged at low hp, ran into jungle, farmed a camp to get back to 75%hp and re-entered a fight the enemy team thought I was out of. It is an EXCELLENT way to pick up kills and turn the tide of a fight which you would have been previously removed from until you went back to base to heal. Most Kallari builds revolve around crit, but this build does not need it. You still fight in the same fashion - all-in on one hero, blow them up, exit the fight, but this build has higher burst potential on tankier heroes, blows up squishy ones the same way, and gives the opportunity to exit and re-enter a fight without having to return to base. No, Kallari is not built for sustained fighting, that is not what the life steal is for, but in 1v1 encounters, fights with tanky enemies, or times when you barely get out alive, the vamp makes a huge difference in living or returning to a fight.