Predecessor Builds > Terra > Terra = Fast-Attacking Tank
This is a revamp of a recent build I did for Terra. I wanted her to be faster, but I did not want her to be squishy. With this in mind, I present a fast attacking tank with massive health and a slew of item abilities to help take out any opponent.
Item Order:
1. Earthshaker: This is for the speed at the start of the match, health, and then the accumulative buff to ability damage.
2. Bonesaw: This supplies more health, alongside the damage buff for health, and ultimately the attack speed bonus.
3 or 4. Citadel: This gives you the armor needed to hold your ground, more health, and will decrease enemy armor.
3 or 4. Deathstalker: This shreds your enemies' defense, boosts your attack speed, and starts penetrating armor.
5 or 6. Salvation: This gives you even more health and a shield if you are outmatched in your lane.
5 or 6. Demolisher: This simply finishes an enemy before they slip away; it is a quick end.
Situational: Omnivamp (ex. Mutilator), Abilitiy Haste (ex. Augmentation), Magical Armor (Replace Citdel; ex. Frostguard)