Predecessor Builds > Terra > Terra with a Mean Swing

A twist on some other builds, the goal: Bonesaw and HP; Augmentation for the basic burst after abilities...and HP, Sky Splitter for attack speed, Bonesaw because Bonesaw, Giants Ring because ability uptime and...HP, Unbroken Will for tenacity guessed it HP. And of course, RoR because who doesn't need another +700 HP?
The build is based around optimizing Terra to utilize Bonesaw with its stacks of HP based bonus damage while also providing attack speed, this build will get you somewhere above 5k HP; BUT we have alternatives for those pesky Mages who think they can just burst you down before you get a chance to beat their faces in. Its best to opt for defensive items that give HP so your defense will also bolster your offense.
Note: Earthshaker may be a solid pick over Sky Splitter, but still testing. I also left some brief explanations on reasoning behind each alternative item, feel free to read or ignore but just remember...more HP = more kills!