Predecessor Builds > Revenant > Davey's Revenant

-Added Gold from Passive on kills.
-Power Spike on second item.
-High Multi-kill Potential due to burst from basic attacks.
-Snowballs easily.
-VERY simple combos.
-Low mobility.
-No escape outside of flash.
-Low attack speed makes farming harder.
-Needs abilities to trade effectively during the lane phase.
-Expensive Builds.
Trading: E, Final Shot, Q.
Ultimate: 2, R, Final Shot, E, Q.
Revenant is bad at dueling in the duo lane early because his trades are ability reliant. Focus on getting to level 2 and not taking damage.
Thin the wave down with your basic attacks, save your abilities for your opponents.
Your basic trading combo is: E, Final Shot, Q.
Don't worry if you don't hit your final shot during every trade but get used to doing this combo.
Once you start skirmishing with your teammates make sure to stay on the edge of your range for you basic attack. All of Revenant's abilities have a slightly longer range than his basic attacks. Focus on using your basic attacks against the enemy backline if you can, or whoever is closest with the lowest armor while also spamming your Q. When someone is low activate Orcus and use your ultimate on the low target and Ultimate combo them.
Ultimate combo: 2 (Crest), R, Final Shot, E, Q.
Your Orcus will reset on killing the target and when you exit your ult will be active. Giving you more movement speed and power to be effective in the skirmish.
Itemization Explanation
Why 120% Crit Chance?
Revenant's Passive gives him up to 5% bonus physical power. This is increased 0.5% per 10% crit. Which means this number can be pushed to 11% bonus physical power. With this build that's 38 extra physical power which is essentially being able to stack 2 Strength Tonics. After Strength Tonic this build boasts 417 Physical Power.
Why intellect tonic?
Intellect Tonic - This gives you 50 Magical Power. Rev's Q & E scale better with Magical Power and since he is more reliant on his abilities this is a viable choice IF you're struggling to secure kills during your ultimate.
Strength Tonic - This gives you 30 Physical Power and 10% Omnivamp. This is good overall and should be your usual choice.
Imperator - Better than Vanquisher as a first item because of the Precision passive that sacks with Rev's Hellfire Rounds.
Nuclear Rounds - Revenant is dependent on his abilities to trade safely. This gives them a damage boost of up to 15%. (Which also helps you secure kills during your ultimate.)
Demolisher - Ignores 30% of physical armor.
Onixian Quiver - Rev has powerful basic attacks so this item feels great on him. It also helps you push without using abilities.
Terminus - A minor defensive option without sacrificing crit. The shield from this item also raises your effective health to 3241 (2878 Health + 363 Shield) at full build + level 18. Assuming you've also got Strength Tonic.
Tainted Rounds - Scales your basic attacks based on Total Power, cuts enemy healing - usually unnecessary unless enemy life steal and healing is an issue.
Vanquisher - The execute passive can be proc'd by abilities and basics. It should still be built last.