Predecessor Builds > GRIM.exe > Grim Hybrid On-Hit/Mage/Attack Speed Carry Build [v0.17]
This build does insane amount of damage early-late game. I usually start out by building both the mana stacking items for the first and second core items so you can get those maxed out as soon as possible.
Next finish off Mind Razor first then Azure Core.
Then complete the rest of the build Prophecy>Resolution>Lifebinder
The Lifebinder as the last item is for added damage, health, and sustain. You will be shocked how much you heal while at full build.
Max out your Q first as it will be your main damage dealer. You can use it in conjunction with Assault mode to get some poke in. As you gain more Magic Damage, you will notice your Q will start to hit hard. Also, with all the ability haste in this build, you will be able to space it every 3-4 seconds.