Predecessor Builds > TwinBlast > Twinblast Bruise and Cruise Offlane

Build Updated at: 2024-05-06 03:23:27 UTC
Twinblast Bruise and Cruise Offlane
Author: Kovokous (Bronze III)
Role: Offlane
Skill Order

Core Concept:
This build is made to use some very strong synergies that lay in the "bruiser" type items. With a heavy focus on skirmishing early and a very respectable late game it makes this build feel pretty good all-around so please give it a shot or maybe even 2 of them!

Early Game:

Your early clear is heavily reliant on skill spam as seek to poke with Right clicks, whilst maintaining safe distance from the inevitable melee matchup that you will encounter.

-Saphir's: I'm sure you're scratching your head at this one but hear me out. Saphir's gives you a couple of solid benefits straight out the gate for this build. The extra health and slight damage in melee is nice for sure but the big thing we are looking at is the endless scaling you receive from it. We plan to use Saphir's in lane heavily when poking as the final part of the active gives you permanent health based on damage delt in it's window. Obviously you shouldn't recklessly sprint at the enemy early for the small gains you might get but taking tactical skirmishes is a massive boost early as it only serves to make late-game boosts much more impactful. Keep in mind that nearly EVERY item in this build scales off health so you have a very solid curve to scale endlessly if the game so allows.

-Overlord: This item feels perfectly at home on Twin for the exact reasons Mindrazor does. The early clear synergy with your Q makes it a powerhouse for slamming waves into the enemy turret for pressure, only improving further as it is your core form of damage scaling on the build. This serves as the primary scaling pair with Saphir's as it grants Phys power based on your health. With base health scaling alone it is a major chunk of your Phys power accounting for a little over 100 at full build with 0 Saphir's procs.

-Bonesaw: This follows the trend of big synergy into the infinite loop that is Saphir's and Overlord. The damage proc ends up pretty sizeable as the game gets late, however the big thing we are fishing for here is the 1 sec slow and 3x 10% attack speed. This gives Twin some pretty amazing sticking power as the slow keeps people just in arms reach while the attack speed contributes to faster E CD resets to further the chase. A very simple combo to fish for if you wish to soft initiate is to force a single auto into either E-auto or Q-auto. The E is more ideal to start fights with as you will be able to start the reset chain fast.

-Health shred: These 2 items flesh out their own mini-synergy between themselves.
 - Basilisk: this serves as your only source of shred. It gives you a very solid edge against your undoubtedly tanky lane opponent but stays very relevant even to squishies. The Eroded proc on this item is massively important for securing kills. While the innate scaling of the build is certainly potent there will be plenty of moments where someone lives with just a hair of life. The % missing health removes this issue almost completely.
 - Mutilator: Second verse of the pair and very similar to the first. % max health damage on your autos in plenty to make this item good but the added benefit of a decently sizeable 5% health siphon paired with an immediate burst of 3-4% max health damage (if you land the hit with Q it technically does an additional proc of the auto passive) makes it potent in relation to jump starting the % missing health scaling of Basilisk.

-Final flex: This slot doesn't particularly hold another massive synergy but instead has a lot of really nice capstones.
-Boneseeker: This is the item I personally default to for now. There are few matches I reach this point so it is a bit more of a concept piece here. It holds really nice synergy still as it acts as a very good damage amp for Twins fairly tunnel focus style of damage. There in very little risk to drop stacks HOWEVER you have to be careful when lining up a Q as it seems to reset your stacks if it tags a 2nd target. The last little cherry on top is the decently impactful 20 dmg on hit as every bit of damage is still appreciated, once more though the star here exists on another source of stick potential with the 3% movespeed on auto.
-Tainted Blade: This one is pretty self explanatory. If the enemy team has a fed Khaim, Phase, or Narbash you can easily slot this in without losing too much in the build. There is still nice utility here in the form of a 10% damage debuff, giving your team and yourself a nice way to finish kills on the healing targets.
-The Perforator: This is digging into the same niche as Bonesaw and Basilisk but to a lesser degree on each end. The slow is nice for ult chasing but the biggest reason to pick up here is the solid stats and extra %Phys armor pen. More often then not you will not need this but if you somehow have a physical only team it could be a good difference maker on heavy Phys Armor stacking tanks.
-Salvation: My least favorite of the honorable mentions here. It's sole purpose is anti-burst against fed Assassins.

alt last items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed