Predecessor Builds > Gideon > Nuke Gideon
This build relies on you landing your auto attacks after landing abilities. Gideons Passive paired with the Oathkeeper Passive absolutely NUKES characters that are not Steel or Rampage or Sev.
Combustion 1st item grants you mana, damage, and penetration. Oathkeeper empowers your passive even more. After that, just build more dmg and some mana. Ideally, your jg gives you some blues but one rotation of spells can 1shot any non-tank character, if not kill, force from the fight.
On Gideon in general, You shouldn't view your ult as an engage tool, more of a follow-up. So land spells and wait for your opportunity. If the enemy uses their main CC abilities your ultimate will be uncontested, truesilver bracelet or not. Gideon is one of the few mages that can be played like an assassin. This build is built for that purpose. Avoid building this if they have 2+ tanks, your effectiveness would not come from your burst but your control.