Predecessor Builds > Grux > Beefmaster Grux
Just big health boi grux. I don't think this is actually good, but its fun to have 5k health and just get in there. You destroy squishies if they can't get away from you, and tanks can't get through all that hp. Mages with megacosm are a big problem, and other fighters with hp shred can beat you 1 on 1 depending on ult and crest usage. But if you're going against a tank or squishy offlane this is super fun.
In teamfights you want to dive squishies and make them waste time getting through your health bar. Or go after squishies that try to dive your backline and protect carry so main tank can handle engage.
DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, play this build as the main tank of your team. You will die in 3 seconds every fight and get tilted. You need to be the enemy team's second priority and you will farm. You'll still die a lot but you can fight 2 on 1s and 3 on 1s all the time and for a long time.