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Predecessor Builds > Drongo > 🏹 Drongo Builds [v18.3 - Updated 6/17]

Build Updated at: 2024-06-17 13:03:20 UTC
🏹 Drongo Builds [v18.3 - Updated 6/17]
Role: Carry
Skill Order

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Drongo - Overview

Drongo does not synergize as well with on-hit as some other carries do. However, Drongo does benefit a lot from crit rate and attack speed due to his bleed passive. Also, Drongo has incredibly strong abilities so utilizing these is essential to maximizing this hero. Because of this, it is the most optimal to build Drongo as a crit carry while also keeping in mind his passive's benefits from attack speed and his powerful abilities.

Crest Options

- Marksman / Pacifier: This crest is incredibly strong on Drongo as his kit is based around bursting someone down super fast with Rad Rounds and his ultimate ability. There is many ways to use this crest but my recommendation is to use it with your ultimate when you are looking to execute someone fast. One example of this would be popping your Rad Rounds, land as many autos as you can and as the stacks explode (about 1.5 seconds after rad rounds ends) or if their hp is low use Pacifier dash and then your Ultimate to hit the target. This will delete any hero out of the game that isn't tanky and reset Pacifier for another use in the next 6 seconds. You can dash backwards with pacifier and then ulti if you want to get very far away.

- Marksman / Liberator: This crest is an absolute must vs certain comps and heroes. If the enemy team has a Riktor, Aurora, Fey, or Gideon then you should default to this automatically. It is also just good in general vs a lot of other characters. If you don't know what to pick, this is always good and also provides a shield on use.

Core Items

- Vanquisher: Drongo is currently the only carry I would recommend this item on and that is because a lot of other items are just a lot stronger in most situations. However, with Drongo Vanquisher is still very strong. Because of his ability to burst targets down at low HP before they know what happened, vanquisher is very strong on him. It also works great with his Rad Rounds proc, his ultimate ability, and his passive bleeding.

- Dust Devil: To replace Nuclear Rounds early because of recent nerfs, we build Dust Devil second. Drongo is not great with the usual on-hit setup of Storm Breaker into Sky Splitter because his passive requires crit procs outside of his abilities. However, Drongo is still very strong with attack speed so it is worth building Dust Devil as part of his core now for the sheer amount of stats and how well he synergizes with all of them.

- Nuclear Rounds: This item is still very strong on Drongo post nerf and a very strong stat stick. Due to the sheer stats, Drongo's synergy with every single thing about the item, and because we want 100% crit rate ASAP on Drongo this is still a core item.

Finalizing Build

These are generally the last 3 items you will want to build, however, the order of these items can vary depending on what you need the soonest.

- Demolisher: A must have on all carries, usually around your 4th item. The base stats are okay on this item but the passives it provides are a must have for taking down frontliners. Because Drongo is a crit carry, he is naturally not as good at taking down tanks as an on-hit carry. However, he is able to delete squishies faster than anyone else with his combos and his passive is VERY good at taking frontliners down as well, so we definitely don't want to ignore them.

- Imperator: To wrap up our crit we want to grab Imperator for the huge crit bonus passive and the last 20% of crit rate we need to hit 100%.

- Kingsbane/Sky Splitter: Both of these items work nicely on Drongo and it's simply a matter of what you want the most. I would suggest defaulting to Sky Splitter because it is always a strong item no matter what comp you are fighting. If you prefer a bit less damage on autos in general with the benefit of some ability haste, then Kingsbane is also a good choice here.

Skill Order

I would always recommend going with the following skill order:

PC: R > E > RMB > Q
Xbox: LB+RB > LT > RB > LB
PS: L1+R1 > L2 > R1 > L1

There are times you may want to max RMB (RB/R1) whether it to be wave clear quickly or for poke in lane but generally I would not recommend this.

Tips and Tricks

IMPORTANT: Drongo's passive does not proc on auto attacks during his Rad Rounds. This is extremely important if you are looking to fully optimize his kit. What this basically means is after you have finished your 5th item, if you are shooting a tankier target with a lot of HP you should NOT use Rad Rounds. This is because your passive bleed stacks are going to do a lot more damage than the proc of Rad Rounds. If you are shooting a squishy target, you should always opt in to using rad rounds. Drongo's ultimate has about the range of an auto attack even though the animation and feel of it may confuse players into thinking it must be used at point blank range. Also, Drongo is CC immune during his ultimate. You can use this to avoid all types of CC in the game if timed properly.

Crit Setup (Swap Nuclear Rounds for Equinox if you need survivability)
Crit Setup vs Healing (Swap Nuclear Rounds for Equinox if you need survivability)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed