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Predecessor Builds > Murdock > 🏹 Murdock Builds [v18.3 - Updated 6/17]

Build Updated at: 2024-06-17 13:03:29 UTC
🏹 Murdock Builds [v18.3 - Updated 6/17]
Role: Carry
Skill Order

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Murdock is currently in a pretty interesting spot in that he works well both with crit and with on-hit setups. Previously, Murdock was a lot stronger with the crit setup but because of how strong on-hit is right now, it is not suboptimal to build him this way. This is because his passive works about the same with either setup. The reason Murdock was built crit rate in the past was simply because of his scaling. His attack damage on his autos scales higher than any other carry while his attack speed is generally lower. With this in mind, I do still prefer building him crit and think it is superior to on-hit but building on-hit is no longer bad, so I've included the standard on-hit setup as well for those of you who prefer it.

Crest Options

- Marksman / Liberator: This crest is an absolute must vs certain comps and heroes. If the enemy team has a Riktor, Aurora, Fey, or Gideon then you should default to this automatically. It is also just good in general vs a lot of other characters. If you don't know what to pick, this is always good and also provides a shield on use.

- Marksman / Pacifier: This crest is very good on Murdock for snowballing and executing with your ultimate. Murdock is very mobile and has a lot of peel for himself, so snowballing with him in solo queue matches can be a lot less frustrating than other carries especially with Pacifier. Another great use to keep in mind with this crest is using it then immediately sniping with your ultimate. Keep in mind you will not have a lot of time to snipe, about 2 seconds, so make sure you're ready to aim and fire. It will add a massive amount of damage to the snipe if you are able to land it.

Core Items

- Lightning Hawk: Because of how much Murdock moves around, Lightning Hawk is a great first item for him. Not only his mobility, Murdock's passive allows for a ton of poking potential especially in lane. With Lightning Hawk build, you are able to line it up with your passive auto allowing you for very safe and powerful poking of your opponents in lane.

- Sky Splitter: With more attack speed on Lightning Hawk, Sky Splitter is now an even stronger choice and can be built 2nd or 3rd, as rushing 100% crit rate is not as important on Murdock as a carry like Drongo or Revenant. You may also opt for Kingsbane instead if you aren't vs a tank heavy team and prefer the ability haste to synergize along with your Nuclear Rounds.

- Nuclear Rounds: While a bit weaker as a 2nd item, this item is still very strong on certain carries. Murdocks RMB (RB/R1) and ultimate benefit greatly from this item. It also provides a large heap of raw stats for everything we could possibly want. It is viable to swap this for Tainted Rounds vs a healing comp or if you find yourself not utilizing your RMB (RB/R1) a lot during fights.

Finalizing Build

These are generally the last 3 items you will want to build, however, the order of these items can vary depending on what you need the soonest.

- Demolisher: This item is just too strong to not build, ESPECIALLY on crit builds. It provides a much needed boost to damage versus all targets but especially tankier ones. Always have this built by your 4th item unless you are vs 5 squishy players. In this case you'd want to swap out Demolisher for Tainted Rounds, but only in this specific case.

- Imperator: This item can be built 5th or 6th, so it really just depends when you need the shield from Equinox. If you are having trouble living in fights, opt to build this as your 5th item and build Equinox 4th. If not, build this 4th. This item is a must have on crit builds and makes our burst from our crit autos hit much harder. With Murdock's flat damage being so high as well, the benefit from this item is higher on him than most other carries.

- Equinox: Another must have in all crit builds. This item gives us great raw stats, and two incredibly powerful passives. The 6% true damage on crits scales our burst even higher and helps us deal with tanks a little bit better, because crit setups generally are not as strong as on-hit for dealing with enemy frontliners. Then we also get the passive shield to help us survive fights. With Murdock having a lot of built in survivability as well, this shield makes us very difficult to kill even as a carry.

Skill Order

Murdock's skill order is a bit more in the air than other carries, however, this is generally what I recommend:

PC: R > RMB > Q (3 Points) > E (Finish Maxing)
Xbox: LB+RB > RB > LB (3 Points) > LT (Finish Maxing)
PS: L1+R1 > R1 > L1 (3 Points) > L2 (Finish Maxing)

Always max your ultimate first. RMB (RB/R1) should always be maxed as your first non-ultimate ability. Outside of this, you can decide what you prefer. I like to put 3 points into Q (LB/L1) to raise the max amount of traps and then prioritize maxing E for cooldown time and movement speed. I then go back and finish maxing Q (LB/L1) for the cooldown and one additional trap at the end. In terms of the order you max E (LT/L2) and Q (LB/L1), that is mostly personal preference but I recommend trying my method and seeing how you like it.

Tips and Tricks

If using pacifier, consider using it with your ultimate for a massive global execute. Try to be proactive with your traps. While fighting in team fights or kiting, try to place traps between you and your enemy to allow for very strong kiting. You can place traps behind people and then Shotgun Blast enemies into them for a huge burst of damage and a root. Try to save your Shotgun Blast to shove enemies off you who need to be in melee range to damage you. Later in the game, consider using your ultimate to put a ton of damage on squishy targets before a very important fight rather than saving it to execute. An example of this would be sniping the enemy carry while your team is hovering the orb prime, making the enemy carry have to fight for the objective with missing health. Murdock's RMB (RB/R1) actually goes through walls. As long as you're in range, you can hit people on the other side of any structure/wall.

Crit Setup (Last 3 items can change order based on what you need first, Swap Nuclear Rounds for Tainted Rounds vs healing)
On-Hit Setup (Swap Lightning Hawk for Equinox if you need extra survivability)
Lane Bully On-Hit Setup (Poke with empowered auto from passive when you have 100 charge on Storm and Lightning)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed