Predecessor Builds > Countess > My Countess Build (updated)
Works in mid and offlane. More scaling. Having high hp is the way to go
If in mid I’d level E/L2 first but it’s really preference
Starting off you might have to play back on your tower until you get some items online so your clear will be instant and can sorta chip away at them with the Q/L1 and your other abilities. Usually ranged midlaners sorta sit on the corners overlooking the river so you can use your E/L2 to hit the minions and them for some damage early on
Use your Q/L1 smart to get in and out on ADCs for a quick kill. Can do all of your abilities (including ult) and still be able to dash back out. Can use it to dodge abilities like Zarus’s shield slap or Terra’s charge
Can use your ult to pin people down for your team or if they’re tower diving you to by you some time