Predecessor Builds > Steel > Steel Support (Tank) WIP v0.17
----- Steel Support Tank -----
Build Raiment of Renewal first for the boost in overall health and regeneration.
Tainted guard or Tainted Bastion second depending on what to counter the enemy support with. Narbash/Phase go with Tainted Guard for the cooldown reduction. Dekker/Belica go with Tainted Bastion for the magical damage resistance. Riktor/Steel probably go with Tainted Guard.
Galaxy Greaves third against hard CC characters like Belica/Dekker to get out of traps and to reposition in team fights. Otherwise go Dynamo for synergy with Rift Walkers.
Late game Stonewall + Salvation for more defense and health. <-- Flixible
----- Gameplay -----
Roam early game when lane is pushed and carry is out of danger to poke mid-lane/jungle when their location is known. Keep wards up along river and fang tooth to limit ganks. Keep lane status neutral or freeze lane on friendly side, if enemy team attacks you run on them when the wave flips. Building health early game allows you to eat some poke and hopefully get your carry kills/assists. Use dash to get in and try to get enemy blinks off early game. This will set up ganks for when your jungle rotates to duo lane (hopefully).
Gold Buff
Help manage your carry's gold buff early/mid-game by checking timers if the enemy takes it. Time your attempts to take Gold Buff with crashing a wave into the enemy T1 tower. Try to force the enemy duo into decisions to either leave a wave to die to tower, or to walk over to the buff and contest. Note: do not die for the gold buff. Yes, it gives a gold boost to the other team, but so does dying and there's no reason to feed the enemy duo if they're already ahead. If they do get ahead, work with your carry to keep the wave on your side of the lane and agro the minions just outside of your tower ring. Freeze the wave so that they can safely farm and keep the enemy team backed up.
Mid-game: initiate team fights, and focus on enemy back line or tanks that are fed. PLACE WARDS, vision is main goal of support characters. Check fog walls and use wards in jungle choke points to keep an eye on enemy movements and ganks.
Late Game: Frontline for your team, especially if jungle/offlane is playing an assassin role. Ward objectives and focus on drawing enemy damage away from your backline with CC and shield wall.
----- WIP v0.17 -----