Predecessor Builds > Crunch > Magical Crunch offlane
A build that eschews the physical damage meta for Crunch. Your burst damage at full build will be insane, and you'll be healing for a decent chunk of your health every third ability. This also helps Crunch stay relevant into the very late game, whereas I've found that his damage tends to drop off with the "meta" builds. Augmentation and Mutilator can be taken in place of Elafrost and Prophecy if the enemy is very tanky.
Also note: while your abilities technically scale slightly more with physical power, magical power items have much bigger numbers. Your abilities actually hit harder building magical damage than physical, since the numbers on magical power items are almost twice as big as those on physical power items on average. In addition, your passive scales much better with magical, allowing you to heal for more and do more basic attack damage between abilities.