Predecessor Builds > Murdock > Murdock The Sniper
Shoot to kill, build that focuses on Attack/Crit/Attack Speed/On-Hit Effects.
Lightning Hawk helps Murdock to poke the ennemy with his enhanced auto attack thanks to his passive.
Onixian Quiver helps Murdock to proc his passive 3 times quicker.
If the ennemy team does not really build physical armor, you can invert demo and imperator. Conversly, you can swap demo and tainted rounds if the ennemie team is really tankie with physical armor.
In fights, try to set Static Traps behind the ennemies so that they don't see them and step on them while running back.
Your Buckshot + Hot Pursuit are really usefull to distance yourself from the ennemie when he dives you.
Hot Pursuit can also be used to follow a stun from your support.
Your Buckshot can also be used between your autos to quickly deal 2 instances of damage.
When your Ult (Long Arm of the Law) is available, keep an eye on the map and try to secure kills on flying ennemies.