Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > Feng Wow
Stat Priority
- Physical Power
- Physical Penetration
- Ability Haste
- Attack Speed
- Omnivamp
Physical Pen is very valuable on Feng because both his Q and Ult benefit greatly from it.
Crest Options
I usually take Witchstalker because it provides cleanse and additional self healing, although the other two options aren't bad, but moreso situational. For example, if you're ganking successfully, going Ortus instead is a nice boon to our power, but only when you're really snowballing.
Build Outline
The core items that directly benefit Feng the most (according to the stat priority I build for) are Mindrazor, Painweaver.
Starting out, I get Soul Chalice as soon as I'm able to afford it so I can immediately start building stacks.
Offlane & Playstyle Differences
Feng Mao is a late-game punisher. As a Jungler, you can mostly choose the fights you engage in. In Offlane, you're faced with a 1v1 matchup (most of the time) and need to react accordingly. Instead of building items that counter your enemy in offlane, it's better to continue to build for late game scaling. Consider your matchup:
- If you're in a bad matchup (against Grux, Greystone, etc), focus on clearing what you can clear with waves and sustain yourself / avoid fighting when possible.
- If you're in a good matchup (against a carry offlaner, for example), you should instead play aggressive and try to deny them as much farm as possible throughout the match.
Essentially, with Jungle you have the element of surprise, which greatly benefits Feng's ability to hop in out of nowhere, burst, and leave. With offlane, you lack the element of surprise, and should play accordingly and still continue to play to his strengths.