Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > 🔥 Fast jg clear & objectives - Early spike Khaimera ! 🔥
You will buy the "Barbaric Cleaver" to get a buff to your auto attack (Q too), after that you will rush the Sky-spliter to get a good attack speed and initial damage (scaling with your Q).
With these 2 items your jungle clear will be faster, thus facilitating a full clear and gank.
Khaimera is a very predictable champion due to his "ganks" early, so many Khaimeras suffer invasions because of this.
With this build you can jungle faster and at the same time you can set a gank for the lane you choose to farm.
This build, in addition to being good for your jungle, is excellent for achieving map objectives (Orb Prime & Fangtooth).
!!! The "Eviscerator" Crest is VERY strong at the start of the game, as Khaimera's passive has Life Regen based on stacks. So the crest's passive is stacked 3x faster, being able to close the crest at 6:10min !!!
The build after these two items follows the standard, a bruiser/tank damage style.
I'm starting to do lives to try to show the knowledge I have of other MOBAS ("macro, vision, tactics and mechanics)
(I apologize if I made a mistake in writing, my English is not very good :)