Predecessor Builds > Gideon > Revitalising Oblvion

Build Updated at: 2024-04-16 10:38:45 UTC
Revitalising Oblvion
Author: Cilit Bang
Role: Midlane

Stay healthy and deal mega-damage.

Gideon is super-squishy, so wouldn't it be nice to heal fast and stay in the fights for those big ults? That's the point of this build.

  • > 13% health regen, which is boosted further when you pop 'Tempest' which heals additionally 50% for damage dealt.
  • > 430dmg ( +10dmg scaling after from Orb of Enlightenment ) - amplified massively with the final item Oblivion Crown,
  • Finish with amazing damage, health, DOT and mana regen - get ready to really melt enemies.
  • Drawback is that there's **no tenacity, so you will be easy to CC
    • hint build either: - world breaker (35%) or dreambinder (15%) if you must

A note about Gideon's tactics

With this build, I advise to focus hard on getting your Orb and farm really well - and push for kills if possible. When you get orb, you need to farm quickly to get 500 orb points ( watch the score on the orb icon count, then head back to base on 500 to start scaling ).

STAY ALIVE and try not to fall too far behind. Always use wards near the river camp on your side and have your blink abilities ready to jump back if you need it. I find Grux and Kallari particularly troublesome in mid lane ganks, so watch out.

Damage from mega and caustica are more than enough combined with scaling from Orb, to really take people out, especially if you gank them with your abilities - try to use your basic to slow, then drop the rocks from the sky on their heads.

How to pop the ult

Don't just jump straight in, take a second to look at the map, health and make a quick call as to if you're going in there with the purpose of popping the ult. Always join the team fight after it's started so you can get the best angle ( low causes more dmg, but you are more vulnerable / high less damage but you are harder to hit ).

Obviously try to affect as many enemies as possible and make sure they're already missing some health - then boom, use your blink ability to jump over their heads and make sure your teammates are nearby. It's less likely that you will get all the kills so get the going-for-glory idea out of your head and think about maximising chances that you or your teammates get the kills. That said, if you take out 3 or even more then it might happen once in a game but almost always after the enemy team has already engaged or is taking/ taken some damage already... There... you're now ready.

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed