Predecessor Builds > Greystone > BURST STONE

Build Updated at: 2024-04-19 16:52:50 UTC
Author: ___synx___
Role: Offlane
Skill Order

am Currently intending to removed 2 Items from the main build, Basilisk & Ashbringer. I will substitute them with something else in due time. Until then use the "Situational Replacement" for some items that can be used in those slots.

Crests - Why Icescorn Talons.
It provides you all the stats that you want & It has the strongest DPS bonus on any item in the game. a 30s cooldown for a 10% more damage on Heroes, Minions, Monsters & Structures. It slows down enemies & increase your movement speed. Making it useful in engaging, escaping, Pushing, Objective taking & the low cooldown makes it possible to use it often.

I believe that Marksman Crest & Rogue Crest Final evolutions has potential. The ones to look at there are. Marksman - Liberator or Eviscerator. Rogue - Orthus.

Crests Evolutions to avoid are - Fenix, Brutallax, Pacifier, Nex & Witchstalker. Fenix sounds awesome but if you are dying quick enough you need to use Both Greystone ultimate and Fenix you wont survive when you use Fenix after ultimate - It'll only Delay the inevitable. Brutallax Bonuses arent worth the cooldown. Pacifier short hop + damage is hard to use successfully on a melee. Nex you dont burst well enough to gain the damage on it making it hard to use successfully.

Core Items - Infernum + Draconum.
Substitute the other items as needed. Change build order as needed. as you may need the omnivamp on Kingsbane earlier then you need draconum.

Infernum gives Greystone Q the ability to Clear everything. it also deals an hidden amount of damage when fighting. Infernum Doesn't farm as Well as Overlord, But it helps Greystone Deal more damage in direct confrontations. Making it a super strong pick to push enemy heroes out of the lane.

Draconum scales with any damage you deal allowing you to gain 20 more Power as you hit them with the Q & slow them With E + Basic attacks. at max stacks on Draconum you also heal 20% more from the ultimate. Ultimate is at maximum level you'll heal 64.8% of Max HP, if used when on low life. Omnivamp from Kingsbane then heals you for 30 life per enemy hit. This combo will Essentially heal you to full life. So without any +HP items you essentially have Twice as much life as Any other Heroes in the game.

Kingsbane has 2 functions, Survivability & Damage. Can be substituted for whatever item you want, but Omnivamp is amazing on Greystone.

Build Order - I ran out of word

How to Play - What to be Wary of and what to consider with this build:
You will still Struggle against many heroes & Certain items during the laning phase. grey vs grey and you loose till you have Infernum. The Life they gain building Overlord will make you fall behind. Fire Blossom is another item that is a Struggle to go against. Since the slow extended fights you'll have early will cause you more damage then you can deal. Buying Kingsbane before Draconum helps massively in counteracting Fireblossom Damage. Learn to take it slow, and force enemies out of the lane. Key is to learn When and how to push an enemy out of lane. Against a Good Crunch player you will loose, Shinbi is another heroes i struggle against. Grux looses generally speaking, if you survive his initial burst. Feng Mao can win if he Staggers his damage. Iggy you win easy.

If you find that you are struggling Against CC Legacy is your Salvation. The CC cleanse and CC immunity for 3s allows you to safely Deploy your ultimate when in a Pickle from Burst damage. Legacy also helps against pesky Casters. Legacy also provides the Stat that you want, Power. If they have Enough CC it becomes a constant issue that Legacy can't keep up Unbroken Will Will keep you healthy.

This build is To kill the backline, To Split push to Disrupt the enemy Without CC. Your Damage is high enough to Rival a ADC during Midgame. your survivability is Higher. Allowing you to win 1v1 Duels if played correctly. In Team Fights you go for the ADC, The Caster, Backline support Or the Jungle Carry. If there is a Pure Tank build Ignore it. You won't deal any damage to the Tank. But you will Kill the Caster or ADC. If the enemy properly turns on you after you've gone against the enemy backline You can use your Ultimate To Effectively Split them up again. Allowing your team to Re-engage & setting them up for Some Really Nice combos.

When fighting & you know the enemy has a Movement ability You never Engage with your [RMB] Leap. Doing so allows the Enemy to use their Movement to escape. You Engage by running into them. Heroes with CC this will be a struggle. Knowing how and what abilities an enemy has available is essential to winning the fights. If you engage by walking into the enemy & they use their movement you can easily follow Without using your Leap. If they then Blink You can follow with a Blink to get the kill.

Your [E] Is an Amazingly Strong Tool to use as it also Boosts the damage you deal to Towers. 3 hits and you will deal 300+ Damage to towers with only 3 completed items.

Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed