Predecessor Builds > Lt. Belica > Lt. Belica Midlane - Low cooldowns
Crest - I usually go with Soulbearer just because the combo of shield, movement speed and magic lifesteal is really flexible and can be used both offensively or to disengage. If you're getting ganked or caught out a lot early you can also go with Stasis.
First item you want to get is an Alchemical Rod to start building those sweet stacks. Ideally you want to have enough gold to get this on your first back.
Next start building Timewarp to get those cooldowns lower. This will help you get a lot more knock-ups and bombs off. Don't worry, we'll finish turning the Rod into Azure Core later.
After you finish Timewarp I usually start building Astral Catalyst to start getting a little burst going.
Depending on how the game is going you can either go back and finish turning your Alchemical Rod in Azure Core or if you have a ton of gold around this time you can also start on Oblivion Crown, this really depends on the game flow.
The last item is kind of up to you. I usually go with Megacosm just because it's a really good card but if you're facing a Frontline with heavy magic armor then you can also build Caustica here instead to try and tear through some of that armor.
If you've made it this far and you're full build just start stacking up those tonics!
For abilities, you can start with knock up or bomb but you definitely want to prioritize maxing bomb first, then knock up, then the mana drain thing(can't remember the name lol).