Predecessor Builds > Muriel > Shielding goddess
If your teammates don't tale dmg because everything is soaked by your shields on them, you will win the game - plain and easy.
Still in development! (v1.0)
- 2nd item
Marshal vs Crystal Tear depends on the situation with your carry and jungler. M-dmg chars? Activity? Relyable? Both should be picked anyway!
- Astral Catalyst
If you have to make the takedown I would not take it. Compared to Requiem it does not state "any hero death (takedown)" so .... unsure. If it works on any, absolutly worth the money. Otherwise to situational?
- Sanctification (crest)
Could be an alternative to Tranquility as an additional shielding source. Depends on her passive being activated an the heal or not.
- consort Crest -> Tranquility for healing support and a short dmg mitigation.
- Wellspring For additional healing power to increase your and your carries in lane time.
- Marshal To buff the attack power of your lane. (See note)
Good scenario
- oblivion crown
for pure m-dmg bonus
Neutral scenario
- Crystal Tear
Offers us everything we want. On top we will boost ability power and haste on buffed teammates and yourself. (See note)
Bad scenario
- Golem's Gift
p-def to help us vs most jungler or if we go (fly) to help with the brawler. In addition a nice amount of m-pwr and a bit of ability haste.
- Spellbreaker
vs magical damage while gaining m-pwr. Forces the enemy to use abilities on you and waste it. Be aware of enemy ability attacks!
4th & 5th
- One of the #3 items. Priority will have Marshal/Crystal Tear > Rest.
- Timewarp (because we See it a lot in other guides) Even though the passive and ability haste look tempting, I am not entirly convinced that the 0.5 second could be the big game changer compared to other options. It can help but personaly (!!) I think we should go for better options.
- Prophecy gives your basic attacks (which is your big dmg source) additional m-dmg and shouöd be considered if you are looking for dmg.
- Tainted Totem If the enemy team builds / relies on healing and your team ignores anti-healing this is a very, very good option. It buffs your teammates on shielding with anti-heal for 4 seconds which is absolutly fine.
- Flux Matrix Puts you in a difficult situation: frontline. You don't want to be there but you will easily end there in a lot of fights. Depending on your teammates (mage and jungler, maybe offlaner and carry) it couöd offer a nice dmg boost - if no one else has it!
- Astral Catalyst See notes. Need confirmation on the passive.