Predecessor Builds > Riktor > [Support] All rounder build.

Your first item will be the health stone. Once you get the tier 2 brimstone, you'll no longer need to worry about basic attacking minions so long as you stay close to the lane, you'll automatically proc your crest gold orbs.
You magic protection depends on the enemy team, for instance, if there's a a lot of healing (Countess, Phase, Narbash, Morigesh) you'll build Tainted Bastion. If there's not a lot, build Crystalline Cuirass.
Your second item will always be Tainted Guard for the anti heal. The only time you'll build a magic defense second is if the jungle is magical and is ganking A LOT!
Your last item depends on how much magical damage there is, if there's only 1 or 2, don't worry about a second magical defense, just build health and physical.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS AGGRESSION! Land your pulls, silence with the whip, then electric field to chase down. Stay behind your opponent to body block their escape and hope to god your carry can land basics.