Predecessor Builds > Countess > Jungle Countess Build

After playing Countess for a while now I have come to the realization that she is very very mana hungry. Spirit of Amir fixes that along with giving you lifesteal (omnivamp) and some movement speed to help you get around for ganks faster. Another thing that might catch your eye is the first item I get on her, Prophecy. This item not only allows Countess to clear faster, but it also lets you get a few more auto attack in when you use your Q ability. Giving you the opportunity to get more damage off when you go in.
The last 3 items are in no specific order, really just depends on how fed you may be at this point in the game. I like to go Wraith Leggings 3rd for that extra bonus damage when they are below 40% health. It really comes in clutch sometimes.
If you have any questions follow me on and let me know!