Predecessor Builds > Shinbi > Top Tier In Depth Insert Buzzword Here Shinbi Build for Jungle, Midlane, and Offlane (provided you don't get abused in it)
Let me cook with this one. I've played well over 100 games on Shinbi so far (I'm on Xbox, give me a break, and don't let that make you think this build is bad!), and I will play many more to come. This is my penultimate build as of current that works in all roles that you could get away with Shinbi in (ADC is a huge stretch cause crit hunter go brrr and Support is just trolling). This build feels nice to have come online, scales well, and slaps in the mid to late game where Shinbi should normally shine. Capitalized words are keywords to look for to showcase item stats and passives FYI.
The Crest is Iceskorn. I am not kidding. It simply just works. The early passive of the basic crest gives HP regen, and the bonus Physical Power benefits your Auto Attacks. When built into Iceskorn, you have a free win button on a 45 second cooldown to 1v1 plenty of people, do bonus damage to objectives, and overall help the team in a teamfight. 15% bonus damage with a 15% Movement Speed Buff AND Debuff will win fights and objectives. The Ability Haste and Health gain are also essential in this build too, so that helps.
First item is Lifebinder. Its a powerful Sustain item that can be steadily built in either Jungle or Lane (it feels so good in Jungle). It gives great Magical Power, great HP, and a phenomenal passive. Converting Magical Power and Health into Ability Haste lets this item synergize well with every other item. You can't go wrong.
Second up is Oathkeeper. Shinbi can get alot of abilites out fast. Her Q has a fast cooldown, and her RMB can be activated twice in a row. Turning your Magical Power into bonus damage to throw out in-between your combos makes Shinbi shine. This item also gives great Magical Power, more Ability Haste, and even more HP.
Third is Caustica. 40% Magical Penetration is essential to killing tanks. I don't really need to say much more. However, this item is also your Mana Regen item. Your Mana will always be low if you spam your kit on cooldown, but this item should at least keep you near half full. I would get it second, but the bonus damage from Oathkeeper early is super nice, and you shouldn't need to spam your kit on cooldown anyways so early unless you are in a teamfight. Just play smart, you'll be fine until then. If you desperately need Mana Regen sooner, get Caustica second and Oathkeeper third. Did I mention more power too?
Fourth is Megacosm. Another Tank killer item, this should seal the deal on bonus damage to tough targets. The Bonus Health damage being done as DoT can help burst them down, and it also helps seal the deal with squishy targets too that escape your ultimate with 1HP. This item also yields even more Ability Haste, with very good Magical Power. It also builds nicely into the last 2 slots of your build.
Last item is Oblivion Crown. It's just THE powerspike item. 120 Magical Power is the highest by a longshot, and even increase your total power by 15%. Not to mention it deals bonus damage based on Current Health of the target you hit. Its T2 item also gives you the most bang for your item slot while you wait for the 2400 Gold to finish it.
All in all, this build provides a dangerous amount of Magical Power, plenty of Ability Haste, really good Magical Lifesteal, solid Bonus Health, Tank killing capabilities, and huge 1v1 or teamfight potential. This build feels nice both for the economy of the game and for how it performs in game. It scales well, and should put in work. I will try newer builds as time goes on, but this is my beautiful creation. If you have any questions about this build or Shinbi gameplay, comments or suggestions on this build or even another build, or just general Predecessor things, message me on Discord. My username is arbiterelite. I am always eager to share what I know, and even more eager to learn more. Thanks for reading, and good luck on the games!