Predecessor Builds > Sparrow > Sparrow Crit Mommy
Sparrow Crit Mommy
and some situation counter build items
Upgrade you're skills however works best for your play style
- Keep in mind sparrow's Basic attack and Abilities build stacks of relentless on the enemy
- Piercing Shot, (RMB, (Console -,R1,RB)), does more damage based on the amount of relentless stacks the enemy has so I wouldn't get this first!
Crest Item
For your Active item, Grab the Marksman Crest & upgrade it into Eviscerator, make sure to activate this when going up against tankier enemies.
Early Game
Goal will always be to build into Storm Breaker and Sky Splitter first.
I almost always aim for Storm Breaker first to start building its on hit stacks.
- However if there is a tanky support in your lane grab Sky Splitter first instead.
- Make sure your getting all of your last hits on minions to build Storm Breaker's stacks
After Sky & Storm.
Grab either Demolisher or Imperator next depending on how the game is going and enemy teams composition
- if you're under leveled and or there's heaps of tanks on the opposing team then grab Demolisher first.
- If you're doing well enough and tanks aren't a problem then feel free to grab Imperator
These three items will be the core of your build.
After Item Three.
- Grab Lightning Hawk
- Now get either Demolisher or Imperator whichever you didn't get first.
Situational Items.
Tainted Rounds - Anti-heal
- Good against enemies building life steal or have life steal built in, Khaimera
Viper - Armor Shred
- Good for Tankier enemies who scale for physical armor, (Greystone, Steel, Crunch)
- Increases your crit bonus by 10%, Once enemy is corroded
- With Imperator you're now at 75% Crit Chance with a 30% Crit Bonus.
Terminus - Omnivamp
- If you're struggling to stay in lane after fights, this items helps
- you're just trading attack speed for omnivamp.