Predecessor Builds > Shinbi > Clickiee's Shinbi Build
Understanding Abilities:
Rushing Beat (RMB): Shinbi's primary ability, which allows her to dash in any direction, dealing damage to enemies she passes through. It's not only her main damage-dealing ability but also a great tool for mobility and dodging enemy attacks.
Line Tempo (Q): This ability sends out a line of Spirit Wolves that deal damage to enemies they pass through. It's useful for poking enemies from a distance and applying pressure in lane.
Circle Rhythm (E): Shinbi releases a burst of energy around her, damaging nearby enemies. This ability is great for close-quarters combat and can be used to clear minion waves quickly.
All-Kill! (R):Shinbi's ultimate ability. She dashes around, dealing damage to nearby enemies with each dash. It's an excellent tool for finishing off low-health enemies or for dealing massive damage in team fights.
Prioritize items that enhance Shinbi's burst damage
Consider including caustica early for that mana regeneration to sustain her ability usage in prolonged engagements.
Shinbi is a highly aggressive hero, best suited for players who enjoy diving into fights and dealing burst damage to enemies.
Use Rushing Beat to engage or disengage from fights. It's not only a damage ability but also a crucial tool for mobility.
Line Tempo can be used to harass enemies in lane or to secure kills on low-health opponents who are trying to escape.
Circle Rhythm is effective in close combat situations, so make sure to position yourself well to hit as many enemies as possible.
Save All-Kill! for team fights or when you need to quickly burst down a priority target. It can also be used as an escape tool in dire situations.
Team Synergy:
Shinbi synergizes well with heroes who can initiate fights and lock down enemies, allowing her to follow up with her burst damage.
Heroes who can provide crowd control or area-of-effect damage complement Shinbi's playstyle by helping her set up kills or secure objectives.
Positioning and Awareness:
Despite her mobility, Shinbi can be quite squishy, so it's important to position yourself wisely during team fights to avoid being focused down by the enemy team.
Keep an eye on the map and be aware of enemy rotations. Shinbi excels in picking off isolated targets or joining skirmishes quickly.
Practice and Adaptation:
The only adaption here is listed in item build. Be smart. If they aren't running a physical hero, you run mage defense if they are building 0 pen. Swap Obelisk for Tempest if they have high movement heroes!
◆Mana decreased from 390 to 370.
◆Mana Growth increased from 30 to 36.
Circle Rhythm:
◆Damage Magical Power Scaling increased from 22% to 25%.
This update further buffs this build.