Predecessor Builds > Gideon > Giraffe's Gideon
This build is based on stacking as much damage and mana as possible. You want Alchemical Rod first to start stacking mana then swap to combustion. Choose Epoch crest if you are against Morigesh. Most Morigesh players wait to ult until you have escaped the fight. If they press ult you press stasis. This completely nullifies her ult.
I almost always choose Life Binder or Megacosm. Life Binder and Megacosm are almost identical in overall stats they provide you at end game given the stacks of your other items. Main difference is anti-tank in Megacosm and magic life steal in Life Binder for longer drawn-out fights.
If you are getting cc'd out of your ult build the bracelet. I do not like this as the last because if you can time your engage/ult properly or after your team takes aggro, you can get most of your ult off before you get cc'd. Also the stats on it aren't that great. If you do end up going bracelet and need anti tank, swap out combustion for megacosm late. Spell breaker has better stats, but requires better timing and dodging of abilities prior to ulting.