Predecessor Builds > The Fey > Semi tanky suprise Fey

Build Updated at: 2024-03-29 15:53:41 UTC
Semi tanky suprise Fey
Author: SandiV (Bronze III)
Role: Midlane
Skill Order

In this build we make Fey a tanky suprise for the opponent team. The Fey can already be a slippery hero to lock down effectively, and with this build opponents trying to go for the easy kill will often get lost in a forest of pain. Even though this Fey is tanky, the damage output is still more than decent.

At the start, we go for Megacosm. This is of course not a tanky item, but combined with Fey's E will provide great damage output even though the build focusses on durability as well. Megacosm is especially effective against tanks, which is great since you lack magical penetration in this build.
As the second item, we choose Lifebinder. This item starts making Fey a bit more beefy with 350 added health. Furthermore, the slow effect is great for keeping opponents at a safe distance, or close enough to secure kills. Lifebinder and Megacosm are basically essential for every Fey build.
As a third item, we choose Elafrost. This item really starts making Fey way more tanky than the opponent team expects. 400 health and 35 physical armor is very decent. Elafrost also provides a low cooldown passive that empowers your next basic attack with magical dmg based on your health, plus a slow effect, and this combines greatly with your low cooldown E, and stacks nicely with Dreambinder. Opponents will now be perma slowed. Furthermore, Elafrost provides 5% mana restoration upon activation, keeping you in fight for a longer time. And a bit of ability haste is a nice added bonus.
World Breaker is the fourth item, and it's great for several reasons. First, it transforms your tankiness into magical power. Second, it adds to the tankiness and the slippery character of Fey by adding health and a great deal of tenacity. And third, the passive increasing your magical power after ability cast is great for your low cooldown abilities.
Fifth, I have added Unbroken Will to make Fey really tanky. Unbroken will makes it even harder to lock you down than it already was before. To really embrace Tanky Fey, you should go with Unbroken Will. The tenacity on fey is pretty insane after this item is included.

However, in many cases I would suggest you consider some other items, as a tanky Fey is often not the best option. These other items reduce the Tankiness, but adds utility that helps you in many other ways to increase damage output, but also in escaping death. There are several interesting items.
First, we have Orb of Enlightenment. This is on paper a great item for Fey. It adds a great amount of health, as well as magical power, mana and ability haste. It helps you increase in levels pretty fast as well, and when completed, it gives you an amazing 3% missing health restoration upon ability cast, which is great in combination with your E and Tank character. The downside of this item is that you want to get it early, and getting it early means you have to delay Dreambinder and Megacosm.
Lifebinder is another great option which can also be taken later. It provides magical lifesteal, giving you sustain. It provides a great amount of ability haste, based on your health, and it provides more health by itself. A good option to add to a high health Fey build.
Spellbreaker is a possible alternative for Unbroken Will, giving more magical power instead. However, this item is situational, as it should not be taken when opponents have any form of poke abilities that remove your spell shield easily.
Golem's gift is a good option when the opponent team lacks magical damage. Instead of Broken Will, you can use Golem's gift to increase your physical armor instead. This item will make you more tanky towards heroes that do physical damage, and helps increasing damage output as well. Increasing stacks on Golem's gift is fairly easy for you too.
Wraith's leggings does not help increase your health or armor in any way, but the movement speed does make you more slippery, and helps your ability to stick to opponents or keeping them at safe distance even more. Furthermore, it is great for damage output.
Oathkeeper increases your healt a bit, and empowers your basic attacks in the same way that Elafrost does. Also, the ability haste is great. Definitely a good alternative for Unbroken Will.

As a crest item, you want to go with Tempest. This item provides you with magical power, health and necessary ability haste. The active of Tempest is great when surrounded. As an alternative, you could also go with soulbearer. This provides less health, but the mana sustain can be helpful in this build. The temporary magical lifesteal and movement speed makes you a bit more slippery than tanky.

In terms of skill order: You want to start with your Q to protect you from really early ganks. After that, go for rmb and E. First max out your rmb, as this helps you with wave clear, making it easier to control and push waves, and thus giving you more time to rotate and help in team fights. After rmb, max out E, as this ability will be cast often in team fights. Finally, max out Q

Optional crest
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed