Predecessor Builds > Steel > Well rounded damage absorber.

Build Updated at: 2023-04-25 02:21:33 UTC
Well rounded damage absorber.
Author: [OP] VegaBond
Role: Support

Early Game:

The goal is to be well rounded early on so that you can defend your carry from a split Physical and Magic Damage. This build early on will help mitigate damage from Ganks assisted by either Jungle or Mid. Galaxy Greaves as a your first purchase help you get into and out of stick situations that call for elevation change, or perhaps to get out of a nasty Crowd Control. By the time you have Galaxy Greaves, you'd be around Level 6, at this time you have many options to Initiate Team FIghts, Stun Offensively or Defensively, plus you can escape pretty easily if need be.

Mid Game:

Your goal is to enhance your current skill sets. This is why we're going with Tainted Totem. Tainted Totem will allow you to Slow nearby Enemy Heroes 10% and also reduce their Healing by 40%. Not only that but you also boost Nearby Allied Heroes 15% increased Healing and Shielding. This is great for Team Fights, especially when you use your Ultimate Ability to Initiate a Fight, giving your team a boost of confidence knowing that they can Sustain a lengthy back and forth. Again this item will buff both your Physical and Magical Armor. Furthering your effectiveness as an all around player. With the added +150% Mana Regeneration and the +15 Ability Haste , you are able to use your abilities often and be as pesky as possible. The goal is to frustrate their damage dealers but also make you less of a target because are harder to kill.

The next item to get during mid game is Unbroken Will. The reasoning is, by mid game the enemy will have Magic dealers that can one hit you below 20% health; that is why we want the 30 Magical Armor. We're not to worried about Physical damage at this point because if it is a Melee character you can easily stun them or use your abilities to get out of a fight or a chase. If it is the ADC or Carry chasing you with a high CRIT, you can drop your shield to block projectiles and then use your abilities to stun and then dash out of the fight. Unbroken Will is chosen for the +15% Tenacity, 350 Max Health, 150% Health Regeneration to offset the high Crowd Control teams. This also helps you if you are surrounded or CC'd by while low on health, it gives you a fighting chance until help arrives or you can make an escape yourself.

Late Game:

For your last Crest option go with Rift Walkers. This item will enable you to Dash forward a short distance and pull all nearby Enemy Heroes towards you. Enemies pulled by Rift Snatcher take 15% increased damage for 3s. This is great for Initiating fights only, do not use this if you're being chased unless you're in a situation where they Chase you near a Tower or close to your Allies. You can Initiate a fight using this or after the "4" Dash ability. Another situation is if the Enemy Team is running from your Allies, you'd Flank infront of where they are headed and Cut them off and then use this item to pull them towards your Allies to finish the fight. Another great thing about this Crest is it increases your Ward Cap from 2 to 3. Allowing you to cut off parts of the maps for Junglers or, Warding crucial Team Buffs and River Buffs.

Next is the Fire Blossom, with +40 Physical Armor and added Health and Max Mana. We want this to again make our defence balanced for withstanding Team Fights. The bonus we want is Heatwave: Deal 15 (+1.5% Bonus Health) magical damage per second to nearby Enemies, doubled against Immobilized Targets and Monsters. This is a great tool for wave clearing and pushing lanes, chasing down Weak Foes, or helping offset Lifesteal and Health Regeneration Enemies.

Last Item will be Crystalline Cuirass. Again at LVL 18, Magical DMG Dealers will be a pain to deal with. Your job is to get in and stun or prevent AOE Characters from casting. You will be Teamed Up with players who play with little to no Magical Armor, and that will be bad for Team Fights especially LVL 18 Magical DMG Dealers. While you're in Team Fights, enemy Magical DMG Dealers will most likely deal a lot of damage to you, this is why the Crystalline Cuirass comes in handy. With Volatile: When you take ability damage, release a pulse of energy dealing 20 (+3% Maximum Health) magical damage to all nearby Enemies. This paired with the Fire Blossom, you will be dealing Steady but lower end Damage to the Enemy Team. Bringing down HP especially when agains a large group will help the confidence of the Enemy Team to Sustain a fight.

In the end, you are not a true Tank with this build. This build is geared for players who love to Poke, Harass, Hit-and-Run, and Crowd Control. Your Team will expect you to be the Catalyst for setting up Ganks and Protecting Fangtooth and Orb Prime. Always remember that your Crowd Control abilities can be used to get out of fights, be sure to use your ULT to change elevation if your Galaxy Greaves or "4" Dash ability is used up. Don't expect a lot of kills unless you can close in on Enemies and Last Hit.

Early Game
Mid Game
Late Game
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed