Predecessor Builds > Gideon > Giddy Ability Amp Experiment

Build Updated at: 2024-02-22 15:39:18 UTC
Giddy Ability Amp Experiment
Author: JoTay79
Role: Midlane

The Primary focus is putting out damage with abilities rather than relying on Ult. Max out Q then move into RMB, these will be your main MD dealers. Take E for maneuverability and R for team fights. Leveling up abilities does not decrease the Cooldown only increases damage.

Try to stay to the Top list as it is the max Ability damage output possible with items. Pivot to other items if necessary.

  1. Buying the Spirit beads will allow you to move into Megacosm first, and allows you to deal out more abilities early on. This goes well with the Magicians crest.

  2. Item is up to your ability to sustain in lane. The Goal is to save anywhere from 950-1800, if unable to stay in lane purchase the cheaper of the 2. If you can get the Void crystal first it will increase Damage early on with Combos and Ult.

  3. Once you can afford, go back and finish out one of these items. The end product will increase its ability and both are good at dolling out damage in lane and fights.

  4. Finish Either Megacosm or Worldbreaker.

  5. Tainted items are a must in this game, not only does it provide damage increase but impairs healing abilities. This is mostly seen in Rotating and Team fights when combating against heavy sustaining champs like Narbash and Khaimara. Also would be good for laning or 1v1 as it dulls down their health potions. Go to Souldbearer to help sustain in team fights and chase/escape.

  6. Combustion is the Easier item to finish out unless your able to horde enough gold for Oblivion Crown. Get both of these and finish out the game.

  7. If you find your self needing more ability haste move into Timewarp or Life Binder. This would be if you find yourself rotating into team fights often or needing to clear waves faster. Timewarp if you need the ability haste mostly, Life Binder if you need more health and sustain in lane. Take these at anytime you see the need too, better early then late.

1. Beginning- out of the Gate
2. Purchases (950-1800)
3. Finished Item
4. Finished item
5. Finished Item- Must have
6. Final items
Pivotal Items
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
7 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed