Predecessor Builds > Lt. Belica > Standard belica
Very normal belica build that will allow you to 1 combo squishies. The combo is: q --> rmb -(whilst still in the air)-> obelisk+oathkeeper buffed basic attack --> ult (if needed).
This build will do fine against almost any team, but there are times when other items are better. Usually I will flex out wraith leggins though at times i switch out combustion.
-Astral core: Will allow you to do more total dmg but gives you a slower curve, too slow imo. If you build this only build the tier 2 component Alchemical Rod and finish the full item last. This is because the main benifit is from the passive so the upgrade from rod to core is gold inefficient.
-Tainted scepter: Is your team lacking anti-heal?
-Golem's gift: taking to much basic attack dmg (maybe you are laning an adc) or is the enemy kallari to **** annoying?
-Stasis: a hard counter to fey, mori, shinbi, howi, etc ults. Keep in mind that it may not always be worth it to do this switch as obelisk provides so much dmg.