Predecessor Builds > Kwang > Midlane Kwang (Magic HP Bruiser)
Build slams. Don't forget stats don't account for orb upgraded by level. Haste is 108, magic power plus 36 etc. Your passive and autoing after casting items give you surprising damage. Relatively tanky and hard to kill (and HIGHLY mobile) with orb regen on ability use and the ridiculous cd on your q and e. Can switch build order if against phys d midlaner or playing in the offlane (put elafrost second), only go oathkeeper second if you are extremely ahead. Still think it is better to go defense second. Prot tonic is a must for tenacity. Some people like world breaker last but I don't think it's that good. Tainted scepter is suboptimal for damage and haste but if you need antiheal is still worth over oathkeeper. Can also forgo orb for fire blossom but lose a lot of damage midgame and the healing from orb, clear is better tho. Can move lure up if survivability is an issue (usually only will be if you are behind or playing super aggro).