Predecessor Builds > Sparrow > Sparrow's Secret Sauce
The realm has endured its trials, and whispers of Sparrow's downfall have echoed through the land. Fear not, kin, for with these artifacts, even the most hesitant may find themselves drawn to the path of Sparrow.
Rule Number One: Abandon the Eviscerator. It serves not the journey you are to embark upon.
Rule Number Two: Position the Demolisher in your third slot, initiating your arsenal with the Stormbreaker. This foundation is crucial for the battles that lie ahead.
Rule Number Three: The array of your armaments may vary as the tide of war changes. Should you face adversaries of formidable resilience, consider the Skysplitter for your second slot to cleave the heavens and bring them to their knees. When the scourge of sustenance plagues your foes, weave the Tainted Rounds into slots two, four, or five, a bane to their recovery.
Sparrow can master the winds with varying degrees of Critβ50%, 75%, and even 100%. For those seeking the pinnacle of 100%, the Kingsbane shall give way to the Viper, a choice reserved for those moments when you stand against the titans of armor.
Adapt, strategize, and let your arsenal be as fluid as the currents of fate. In doing so, Sparrow shall rise from the ashes, a beacon of hope and strength for all who follow.