Predecessor Builds > Khaimera > Khaimera

Build Updated at: 2024-02-07 19:09:18 UTC
Author: Tank5670 (Bronze II)
Role: Jungle

Crest= Saphir's Mantle- for when you need to be the frontline tank in your team comp
Ice Scorn Talons- when you want to be more brawly

Core= Overlord > Basilisk. This sets you up for great jungle clear in addition to some shred from Basi. From here you will need to build according to the enemy team composition.
Elafrost- a high health, physical armor item that has a passive that has scaling damage on health and physical power. Great when you need to be a tank but sacrifice a little defense to pack a punch

Citadel- this provides % physical armor penetration, great to extend your lead as a third slot while still providing health, armor, and physical power

Tainted Guard- absolutely necessary when going up against a team with any amount of healers for Anti-heal. Gives a bleed with the passive

Tainted Bastion- usually will only build this IF a tainted guard is already built. This provides great magic armor and when paired with Tainted Guard, it gives 10% damage mitigation.

Crystaline Cuirass- a go to magic armor item that gives decent ability haste and movement speed from the passive. Can be built third, forth, or fifth dependent on enemy comp.

Void Helm- the alternative magic defense item that gives increased healing. The downside is the second passive only procs on Ult.

Raiment of Renewal- increases your healing by a lot, good as a fourth or fifth when you already have some armor to protect your bonus health.

Stonewall- a high priority physical armor item that is good as a third, forth, or fifth (depending on how many physical enemies) that affects all enemies with the passive stun.

Giants Ring- when paired with more cooldown reduction, spam your ult to increase in size and gain a lot of health and damage mitigation. Can fit into any of the last three slots

Legacy- if against a high CC team, this is a decent build with Unbroken Will falling off recently.

Frost Guard- when the carries are hitting hard or your up against a fast swinging grux, this item is great to slow their attack speed down while providing all the main stats you need. very good as a fourth or fifth slot.

Fire Blossom- the classic do it all wave clear item. This provides an AOE that helps clear camps and deals decent damage to enemies, while still providing health and armor. This should only be built as a first slot item and can be replaced late game if something else is needed.

Skysplitter- an item that can be built in any of the five slots if you are against a lot a squishy targets and can get away with not being a massive tank. Also provides extra objective clear. Not necessarily a "META" pick but can help snowball a lead if you are confident.

Berserker Axe- only when you can sacrifice an item slot, this can be built to synergize with Khai's leap. Is geared more towards a brawler build and could fall off late

Bone Seeker- a 1v1 Brawler item that can be picked up early to dominate and already set lead.

Options 2
Off Meta
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed